Ella Richards

Ella is a working artist from Greenwich Village, NYC. Originally Ella was trained as a watercolor artist, but her interest in minimalism and simplicity made her change the course of her art. Working in black and white on paper, she developed her own unique art form she calls scissors drawings. Ella believes simplicity is the beginning or a way of finding out what the truly important things in life are. Each picture has its own story which touches memories and dreams and becomes part of the experience of the viewer. Ella calls her pieces Snapchats of people standing still. For the last 10 years, Ella has been touring the USA from coast to coast with her art. She has won numerous awards and commissions. Ella was honored to have been selected to do a mural for Facebook in Silicon Valley. It was a 16-foot hand cut of a poem she wrote. Ella also has an artistic mission to inspire children to be both artists and to have an appreciation of art. While travelling the country she brings along art books for children to pick up and browse to engage children in conversation about art. She encourages children to create their own drawings which she displays next to her artwork. Ella attended Tartu University in Estonia and Columbia University in NYC. Ella is excited to take her design experiences to a new medium, she is embarking on a new adventure in iPhone street photography. She is sharing her daily walks around the Village and recording what she sees around the country. Here is a video I made of a mural I did at Facebook Headquarters, it is my process on a huge scale.

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New York, NY